nedelja, 22. julij 2018

Materialna duhovnost

Materialna duhovnost

Protislovje? Da.

Vedno ko pridem iz daljšega bivanja v Aziji nazaj v to lepo deželo Slovenijo, opazim več struktur te družbe. Včeraj me prešine, da kljub temu, da so po mojem mnenju Kitajci zelo materialno usmerjeni, opažam, da je tu še slabše čeprav bi na prvi pogled sklepal, da ni res...naj razložim;

Na Zahodu smo splošnega mnenja, da je Azijska kultura zelo duhovna, Zahodnjaška pa zelo materialna. Kdor se je res poglabljal v duhovne študije Azije ve, da to ni res -> za splošno populacijo. Ne moremo posplošiti. Tako kot tukaj, imaš eno in drugo.
Na Tajskem bijejo boj s skorumpiranimi Budističnimi menihi, na Kitajskem je družba na splošno previdna do nekih spiritualnih zadev, iz večih razlogov seveda, a eden je tudi ta, da so bili v nekem obdobju Kitajske zgodovine „duhovnjaki“ dodobra skorumpirani. Materialni spiritualizem v porastu, a mu začenjajo stopati na prste. Ne odobravajo teh praks. Začeli so se zavedati manipulacij in pridobitništva nekaterih duhovnih voditeljev. Nekako so pričeli so z ločevanjem plevel od zrnja.

Zahod naj bi bil zelo materialno naravnan. Res je, to je velik del Zahodnjaške kulture. Ločiti človeka in Boga pomaga toku denarja. Nesrečen, s svojo bitjo nepovezan posameznik je dober potrošnik.
A kaj se je zgodilo? Ljudje so ugotovili ta catch in ponovno začeli iskati povezavo, Boga, duhovnost. Ljudje so pričeli iskati preprostejše načine bivanja, jesti hrano prežeto z manj krutosti aka vegetarijansko, se resno oprijeli Vzhodnjaških duhovnih praks in pričeli obujati lokalno duhovnost.
Izgledalo je, da se svet spreminja na bolje. „Ljubezen bo premagala vse!“ feeling!

A glej ga zlomka...nato se je „duhovnost“ pričela prodajati. Postala je dober biznis. Vsakdo se okliče za spiritualnega učitelja po vikend tečaju razsvetljenja, vegetarijanska in veganska hrana sta postali moda, ravno da ne delijo certifikatov za stopnje „duhovnosti“,...nek Avstralski Budistični menih, ki ga kdaj poslušam na You Tubu se je šalil, da kmalu ne bo smel več poučevati meditacije, saj za to nima nobenega certifikata ...“duhovnost“ je postala zelo podobna materialnosti.

In to ljudem odgovarja. „Odpustek“ si lahko kupijo s tečajem Yoge, TaijiJa, Meditacije. Več stane, bolj je zaželeno. Kot, da denar duhovnosti da še večji naboj. Ljudje pijani od „pozitivnosti“, ki jo poudarja ta materialna duhovnost.
Vas to ne spominja na vzvod od katerega bežite? Če boš imel ta avto boš pa res srečen, če boš izgledala takole, boš srečna....Isto Sr**** drugo pakovanje. Življenje je ravno zaradi takšnih pogledov trpljenje. Če verjameš, da si lahko srečen in obenem navezan na vse te poglede, ki stremijo k materialnemu, boš verjetno razočaran.
Življenje samo po sebi je duhovno potovanje; preplet sreče, bolečine, zmag in porazov, vsakemu namenjeno spoznanje realnosti v tem življenju je pa vsako življenje izjemno, vredno, dovolj dobro ne glede na to, kako ga živiš. Ni ti treba biti ne vsevedni guru, ne najboljši, ne „poseben“, niti ti ni treba biti „razsvetljen“. Materialna duhovnost ali ne; nalijmo si čistega vina.
Duhovnosti se ne da kupiti, zanjo je treba živeti življenje, je treba čutiti, je treba presegati poglede, ki nam namigujejo, da nismo dovolj dobri. Tako-imenovane Duhovne prakse nas prisilijo, da si pogledamo v oči in se sprejmemo takšne kot smo...ranljive, izgubljene, iščoče, čudovito nepopolne,.. na nas pa je, da ne zamenjamo ene strukture za drugo. Na nas je, da stopimo iz cone udobja, na nas je da zberemo pogum!

Welcome to Earth!


Material spirituality

Controversial? Yes.

Every time I come back from a longer stay in Asia to this beautiful country of Slovenia, I notice new structures of this society. Yesterday it got to me that despite the fact that, in my opinion, the Chinese are very material oriented, it is even worse here even though at first glance I would conclude that in Slovenia we are less material oriented ... let me explain;

In the West, there is general opinion that Asian culture is very spiritual, and the West is very material. Anyone who has really deepened spiritual studies of Asia knows that this is not true -> for the general population. We can not generalize. Just like here, you have one and the other.
In Thailand, they started a fight with corrupt Buddhist monks, in China the society is generally cautious about spiritual issues, for many reasons, of course, and one is that in a certain period of China's history, "spiritualists" were too corrupt. Material spiritualism is on the rise, but they start to recognise and condemn it. They do not approve of these practices. They began to be aware of the manipulations and acumulations of riches of some spiritual leaders. Slowly, they began to separate weeds from grains.

The West is supposed to be very materialisticaly oriented. True, this is a big part of the Western culture. Separate man and God helps the flow of the money. Unhappy, unconected individual is a good consumer.
What happened? People realised the catch and started looking for a highher conection again, God, spirituality. People began to look for simpler ways of living, eating cruelty free aka vegetarian diet, seriously embracing Eastern spiritual practices, and starting to awaken local spirituality.
It seemed that the world was changing for the better. "Love will overcome everything!" feeling in the air!

And here goes again ... "spirituality" began to sell. It became a good business. People call themselves a spiritual master after a weekend enlightenment course, vegetarian and vegan foods have become fashion, they give out certificates for degrees of "spirituality", ... an Australian Buddhist monk I sometimes listened to on You Tube joked that he will no longer be able to teach meditation anymore because he has no certificate for it ...
"spirituality" has become very similar to materialism. And it agrees with people. "redemtion" can be bought with the Yoga, TaijiJa, Meditation,.. courses. More it costs the more desirable it is. As if the “spirituality” soked in money has even greater power. People are drunk with "positivity", underlined by this material spirituality.

Doesnt that remind you of the structures from which you are running away? "If you will have this car you will be really happy, if you look like this, you will be the happiest ...." same Sh**, different package. Life is suffering precisely because of such views . If you believe that you can be happy and, at the same time, stay attached to all of these views, which strive to material, you will probably be disappointed.
Life itself is a spiritual journey; the interweaving of happiness, pain, wictories and defeats ... it is not for everybody to realize the reality in this life, but every life is exceptional, worthwhile, good enough, no matter how you live it.
You do not need to be a super guru, not the best, not "special", nor do you have to be "enlightened". Material spirituality or not, hey lets be honest what is what.
Spirituality cant be bought, you must live life for it, you must feel all of it, it is necessary to go beyond the views that suggest that we are not good enough.
The so-called Spiritual Practices force us to look deep into our eyes and accept ourselves as we are ... vulnerable, lost, serching, wonderfully incomplete, .. it is up to us that we dont replace one structure for another. It's up to us to get out of the comfort zone, it's up to us to find courage!

Welcome to Earth!

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